Yup, she did it.

Janet Yellen, and The Fed, raised the Fed rate by 1/4%, after holding at near zero for over 9 years, after GW(R), and his administration(R), wrecked the economy, after being 'in charge' for 7 years.
 This prove several things, among them..

The loudmouth, Repub financial X-Spurts (X=unknown, spurt =drip under pressure) were TOTALLY wrong, as they screamed, for over 7 years, that Fed policy(D), under Obama, would cause, 'runaway inflation'. As always, I hope the rightwingnut sheep followed their guru's investment advice and lost their asses, although the rightwingnuts don't have that much in investable assets, for obvious reasons.

The Pub X-Spurts also screamed about 'Fed Intervention' when the Dems 'bailed out' General Motors and Chrysler, after the Pubs wrecked the economy. Does ANYONE (even the know nothing sheep) think we'd be better off today, with ONE car mfgr. (PS the loans were paid off).

The jerks(R) who claim how TERRIBLE the US economy is, obviously can't read ANY of the economic charts that show how we've rebounded, and continue to do better, after the Pubs trashed our nation's economy, paying out over $860 BILLION in checks (Ft Knox holds under 200 billion in gold), to the Big Money crooks who wrecked us.

Speaking of crooks and being WRONG, most of the bigwigs in the Bush administration, esp GW and The Dick oughta be tried as 'war criminals', cuz they qualify under every definition, and the invasion of Iraq is what gave birth to the problem, ISIS, that the Pub clown car candidates want everyone to be terrified of.

Bottom line, Repub economic and foreign policies couldn't be MORE wrong, which is OBVIOUS to anyone who looks at reality, objectively. Nothing new here, just made more obvious, AGAIN.


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