Bill Cosby FINALLY had charges filed against him,

and the ink wasn't even dry, when FOX/PARP came out with 'news' comparing him to Bill Clinton. WTF? Only on Bullshit Mountain could there be such a connection. True, Bill liked/likes the ladies, but the only time he was ever accused of UNWANTED contact was by a woman(R), who later recanted the charges when put under oath. This doesn't stop the clowns at FOX/PARP though, whenever they get a chance to smear Obama, any Clinton or any Democrat, cuz 'that's what they do', on the Fair and Balanced network, which is like 'real' news, if news didn't rely on facts;
Comparisons of the two stem from Clinton's allegedly womanizing past, and specifically from Juanita Broaddrick's accusation that Clinton raped her in 1978. During Paula Jones' investigation of Clinton in 1998, Broaddrick swore in an affidavit that rumors about Clinton assaulting her were unfounded.
Yup, a recanted story from 1978 makes FOX headlines. Good job bozos.....


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