I know it's 'no big deal'

to the Pubs, ('the Economy, Stupid'), when the sheep are scared spitless, cuz they think a terrorist is gonna kill them, and their major concerns are BENGHAZI! and a private server, BUT, they oughta be concerned about an actual issue, such as The Economy, which affects us all, every day.
Hillary Clinton Confidently Embraces Bill Clinton's Economic Record


Leaning on her husband's record of lifting wages and creating jobs, Mrs. Clinton is castigating Republicans for policies she says led to the downturns that Mr. Clinton and President Obama.
Yup, the last two Repub administrations have left a 'steaming pile' behind, for the Dems to clean up, which they have, even if it hasn't been as FAST as the Pubs would like, as they throw up every roadblock available to them, then bitch that things are slow. Even so, Hillary needs to rise above the 5th grade bullying tactics and name calling of the Pub fave, and actually campaign on what matters, not that the sheep would understand something SO complicated.... 


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