Because governors deal on a 'state level',

the Repub govs want to keep/expand Obamacare, cuz they see the good it's doing, BUT the Congressmen(R) in Washington deal on a national level, and will say/do anything to see any/all Dem programs FAIL. SO, we see the rift in the Repub party between the state and national level over The Affordable Care Act, as the RNC will say/do anything to keep the US from joining the entire civilized world with health care for it's people, while they would rather support the FEW who make a killing from other's pain and suffering. Lots of Pub bullshit 'out there', but this is one of the best examples of who they value. As always, the 1%, with a 'screw you', to the rest...... Read it here:
State-Level Brawls Over Medicaid Reflect Divide in G.O.P.


Many Republican governors support expanding coverage through the Affordable Care Act, a law that members of Congress from their party want to see fail.


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