The rightwingnuts are freakin' out,

for good reason, cuz they just found out who's the 'Most Admired Woman', for a RECORD 14th year in a row.
For the 14th year in a row – and 20th year overall – Hillary Clinton has received the honor.
Yahoo! News has more:
This is the 14th consecutive year Clinton has topped the annual Gallup list — longer than any other woman or man in the Washington-based consulting company’s history.
Since 1993, when she was first named most-admired woman, Clinton has maintained the media’s attention with her various roles: first lady, senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate.  
SOMEHOW, FONews 'missed' the story, but the Fair and Balanced crew DID post several ANTI-Hillary stories, incl, the 'Top Secret' E-mails (though FOX doesn't mention they were classified that way AFTER she sent them), sent on her 'Private Server'.


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