Saw five minutes of Bullshit Mountain this morning,

cuz that was all I could stand, and caught myself yelling at the on-air 'talent', as they explained to the sheep that The Donald wasn't nearly as sexist as The Clintons, cuz Bill was/is a 'serial sex offender', and Hillary was/is complicit, and 'just as guilty' cuz she didn't immediately leave him when she found out about Monica. Do the sheep actually believe this crap, or do they just fill airtime at FOXNews the same way Trump commands attention, by just saying whatever outrageous bullshit pops up in their twisted minds?
The saddest part? There are tens of millions of morons 'out there' who 'hear, swallow and believe' the crap from the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party. The funniest part? The jerks are digging their own graves, as their Frankenstein monster rises to control the Zombies. Can you say Third Party, followed by President Hillary? Anyone wanna bet? Never mind, I keep forgetting the sheep don't actually have disposable income, for VERY obvious reasons. Ha Ha, I love it....


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