Have read about the Climate Conference winding up

and the results seem FAR from perfect, BUT, it's a start, as 190 nations agree we need to do something to protect the only planet we have, for future generations. The Pubs can't understand it, cuz Rush and Sean have them convinced it's all a Liberal plot, and the 'over 98%' of Climatologists are just plain WRONG. Sorta like they have convinced the sheep that being the ONLY industrialized country in the world that doesn't provide it's citizens with Affordable Health Care is RIGHT.
Of course Obamacare has a lot of problems, like the first Climate Conference, but it's a start, and nothing worthwhile, on such a HUGE scale is simple. The only SIMPLE thing is the constant lies from FOX/PARP to the sheep, who eat it up, much to their own detriment.
Let me sum up the Bullshit Mountain message.
 Dems ALWAYS bad/wrong--Pubs ALWAYS good/right. Vote Republican!
 There, now the sheep can save some time, and actually LEARN something. Let's start with:
On this planet, 14 of the last 15 years have set a record for heat, in the atmosphere and oceans, and a warming planet has some BAD consequences. See, that wasn't so hard....


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