I'm REPEATING it, again,

cuz the rightwingnuts just don't get it. No one is out to take your guns. I'll say it again, cuz you just don't get it. No one is coming to get your guns. Obama never said it, and no one else did either. And no one is claiming you shouldn't be able to buy weapons/ammo, for whatever reason, UNLESS, you are legally prohibited (felon, insane, etc), but you do need to have a background check, supported by a huge majority of Americans.
SO, will you idiots stop claiming 'they're coming after our guns!'
No matter how many times FOX/PARP claims that, it is just part of their propaganda war, that the sheep continue to swallow. Nothing new here, but it gets SO old, hearing the same, tired, sick, WRONG, Bullshit Mountain talking points, that the sheep re-post on social media. In the words of one of my favorite rightwingnut signs, held by a southern redneck, 'Get a Clue, Morans'.


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