
Showing posts from May, 2019

Was gonna comment on Dotard’s latest bullshit, but WHY?

The 2/3 of us who know what an incompetent asshole he is don’t need to be reminded, and the 1/3 who are clueless ain’t gonna change. So why bother?

Case closed? Oh REALLY?


We’ve all seen the weird hat wearing Communist clowns saluting Kim Jong Un, and the kimono wearing North Korean State TV announcers.

If there were any justice in the world, the Pubs in Congress should have to march in lockstep, with arms extended, as they swallow the obvious LIES, and the FOXClowns should have to wear pink kimonos. Absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in the jerks who ride the coattails of a lying jerk and the TV parrots that shovel the propaganda to the gullible sheep, who willingly swallow the crap.

Impeachment? Hell yes, for Slick Wilyl Barr. The corrupt Atty Gen who ignores legal subpoenas, and won’t allow Congress to see the FACTS on his criminal boss.

He is SUPPOSED to work for, and represent, the people of the United Staes of America, NOT, the guilty SOB in the White House. Impeach the Lying jerk Barr(R), THEN consider impeaching the Russian backed, Pathological LIAR in the White House, as the information, which has been BLOCKED, becomes available, including his taxes and financial background, which is FULL of Russian MONEY. Yup, those same Russians who have him by the balls, with all their incriminating information. If I gotta explain, you don’t WANNA understand, something SO OBVIOUS to anyone with a functioning brain. FOXSheep obviously excluded.

Dotard is REALLY showing what a dumbass he actually is, today.

 First he said it’s not my fault that ‘Russia helped me get elected’, then when called out on it, he denied it. AS IF there isn’t video evidence of what he just said. Then, the dumbshit showed AGAIN how (not) smart he is, when asked about IMPEACHMENT, the Liar in Chief explained, ‘The courts won’t ALLOW it’. AS IF, the courts have anything to do with it, as Fat Donny used chaos to cover corruption. And this Russian-backed brainiac(R) is president of the US, thanks to a bunch of ignorant, gullible FOXNews idiots. OMG!!!!

Dotard took a break from watching FOX ‘News’ last night to Tweet out to Sean Hannity, congratulating him a a ‘Great Show’.

What made the show so GREAT? Maybe it was because Sean-Baby attacked Mueller, the life-long Republican, appointed by a Republican, for telling the truth about his two-year long investigation into Dotard, the Russian backed ‘Obstructor’ of Justice, that Mueller wasn’t allowed to prosecute, but would, because Fat Donny ‘Obstructed Justice’ at least ten times, according to Muller(R) and his report. The country wouldn’t know the details, of course, cuz Slick Willie Barr, Fat Donny’s pet monkey, won’t release the parts of the report that detail the collusion and obstruction and ‘who knows what else’. But, according to the Liar in Chief’s FAVORITE ‘news’ guy, the legal X-Spurt, Robert Mueller is incompetent and full of crap "Number one: Robert Mueller doesn't know the law, he's basically full of crap," said Hannity of Mueller. And you wonder WHY Dotard LOVES the FOXClown, who lives up his ass?

If you ever wondered just HOW FAR the Trumpies would go with their pettiness and idiocy, here’s a GREAT example, as the Navy was told to keep the USS John McCain out of sight during Dotard’s visit to Japan. And they did it...

You can’t make up bullshit like this, that Fat Danny and his henchmen do on a regular basis, as Cap Bonespurs continued his battle with a true American hero, long after his death. Screw Fat Donny and HYPOCRITES who kiss his ass. White House asked Navy to hide USS John S. McCain during Trump’s Japan visit THERESA BRAINE

The Liar in Chief accidentally to the truth, that ‘Russia helped get me elected’, then when he realized what had escaped from his vile mouth, immediately went back to the LIES that he has catapulted, with the help of his State TV on Bullshit Mountain, to the gullible sheep who swallow his crap.

‘’No, Russia did not get me elected,” Trump said. “You know who got me elected? You know who got me elected? I got me elected.” “Russia didn’t help me at all,” he continued. "Russia, if anything, I think, helped the other side.” The president’s comments came a day after special counsel Robert Mueller  issued his first public statement  on his investigation into the Russian election interference. Saying that the only reason they didn’t indict him for obstruction is that they COULDN’T, under rules set up by the Republican controlled Justice Department. The special counsel’s report concluded that the Russian government interfered in the election “in sweeping and systematic fashion,” and his office indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes, and  he chronicled at least 10 episodes of efforts by Trump or his staff to obstruct the federal probe.  

Dotard’s idiotic Tariffs, supported by well under ten % of qualified economists, are meant to bring manufacturing back to the US. That is SO WRONG is SO MANY ways.

First, we can’t begin to compete with the cheap, REALLY cheap labor in China, AND if we eliminate  the Chinese imports, there’s still all the other emerging economies in the world which will take their place, WAY before manufacturing comes back to the US. Second, we don’t have the work force for manufacturing, as in places like Colorado where so many BETTER jobs can’t be filled, for a lack of workers. Third, who the hell wants a manufacturing job, where you sit on your ass all day sewing the same part on a pair of sneakers, or place the same thingamajig in the same doohickey all day, just waiting for a machine to take your job? AND, Fat Donny’s ‘Trade Imbalance’ is what world trade is all about. Those with money buy ‘things’ from those who have cheap labor, and that cheap labor gives those people jobs they are happy to have cuz it raises their standard of living. The world economy was doing fine, humming along like a well-oiled machine, until the Liar in Chief took over, and ...

Wow, Robert Mueller said it SO CLEAR, that even the rightwingnuts can understand. HA! AS IF they wanna understand...

Here ya go, for the sheep that get their ‘news’ form Bullshit Mountain, which is PROPAGANDA, instead of news. 1) "If we had had confidence that the President had clearly not committed a crime, we would have said so." 2) "Charging the President with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider." Bottom line, the a-hole is GUILTY, but we couldn’t charge him. ‘’Effectively what Bob Mueller said is we had evidence that [Trump] committed a crime, but we couldn’t charge him because he’s the president of the United States,” Napolitano said on the Fox Business Network following the news conference. Can’t get any plainer than that, even though the gullible, ignorant sheep will STILL keep their heads buried DEEP up their asses. WOW, I’m shocked.

There’s a LOT in Theis world I don’t understand, BUT,

at the top is ‘How could any woman be a Republican? The old white man party who claim power over a woman’s one body. Telling her what and what she can and can’t do WITH HER OWN BODY. The party who nominated and supports the Pussy Grabber, the Russian-backed Pathological LIAR. The NYC conman who declares bankruptcy like others go on vacation, and cheats on contractors/partners like he does on ALL his wives, while they are pregnant and are having his baby’ WTF is WRONG with you? Oh yeah, you’re a FOXSheep Republican, so NOTHING else counts. I hope some day your children, grandchildren and so on, say ‘WTF was/is wrong with you? Again, if I gotta explain, you don’t have clue.....

Interesting ‘Cycle Chart’ from Morgan Stanley

Right on track, as Pubs take over the economy, from Dems. You can basically look at economic charts and tell which party has been in power, at the end of the second term. Pubs WRECK the economy, and Dems FIX it, at least in my lifetime. Not that Fat Donny is gonna get two terms..... BTW, for those who know/care about such stuff, (FOXSheep obviously excluded), the ten-year bond closed at under 2.27. VERY interesting.....

I’m not at all surprised that Lindsay Graham(R) is a Hypocritical slimeball, BUT, I AM surprised that he was called out on it, with a video saying it’s an Impeachable Offense to ignore a subpoena when he was persecuting Clinton BUT, the clown thinks it’s fine for Dotard to do it.

The craziest thing about the ‘Then and Now’ tapes? They are on FOX, with Chris Wallace showing up the Southern HYPOCRITE. Chris Wallace Owns Lindsey Graham With Clip Of Him Lashing Clinton On Ignored Subpoenas “You’re becoming the judge and jury,” complained Graham, who said in the late ‘90s that ignoring a congressional subpoena was an impeachable offense.

Just saw some Memorial Day stuff, with The Dick in the background, and thought, ‘What kind of IDIOT could look at that a-hole with anything but contempt?

Oh yeah, the FOXSheep, clueless and gullible to the point of idiocy. Yup, he led us into Iraq, and Saddam’s WMD’s, and emptied our Treasury while lining the pockets of his Halliburton friends and Big Oil buddies. And filled the VA hospitals along the way. If you can’t see this, and aren’t outraged, you are so HOPELESS, with your head SO DEEP up your ass, swallowing FOXCrap, there is no hope for you, like ALL of Fat Donny’s sheep. Never mind, if I gotta explain, you would NEVER understand. Screw Dotard, and all you gullible sheep.

‘The Profits of Religion’, by Upton Sinclair, is an eye-opening look at ‘organized religion’.

If you doubt his hypothesis, just look at the ‘Treasures of the Vatican’, the world’s largest BUSINESS, by far, and the Bible Belters, molded by their preachers, to ‘Always vote Republican’, even when it’s a Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing, NYC conman, Pathological LIAR with six bankruptcies and three wives, all of which he cheats on..... And, whenever of any of you HYPOCRITES wanna debate your ‘Holiness’, just look at Dotard, and shut the fuck up. An eye-opening condemnation of the economic sins of organized religion Throughout his adult life Upton Sinclair was an unapologetic idealist and a tireless crusader for the rights of the common man. In this powerful and scrupulously researched critique, he argues that organized religion is a gargantuan moneymaking operation in collusion with industry in their shared quest to strike down dissent while bleeding profits from the millions in their thrall. Sinclair catalogs how spirituality, “the most fundamental of the soul’s impulses,” ...

Did any of Fat Donny’s gullible, double digit IQ sheep even notice?

Yup, the Stable Genius Tweeted about ‘Low IQ Joe Bidan’. The dumbshit (low IQ) idiot can’t even spell the name of the guy he’s calling stupid. You can’t make this shit up......

The Pubs say, Trump was vindicated by Mueller’s report, so just move on, sore losers’, BUT, Dotard’s pet monkey blacked out everything that he didn’t want us to see, and the jerks(R) are getting away with it, like they did with Obama’s SCOTUS nomination.

This is what a typical section of the ‘No Collusion, No Obstruction’ report looks like, after Fat Donny’s henchman took a Sharpie to the parts he doesn’t want us to see.

After Dotard, Giuliani and FOX, their State TV, forwarded a doctored video of a ‘drunk’ Pelosi (who never even drinks), the Liar in Chief defended himself against several charges, all true.

Yup, Fat Danny stepped up the the mike and repeated one of his favorite lines, for his double digit IQ crowd, who are Very Impressed with ‘Smart People’. But the greatest praise for the commander in chief came from Trump himself, who told the assembled members of the media during one non-sequitur: “I'm an extremely stable genius. OK?” The Liar in Chief then claimed to be ‘the most transparent president ever’, getting even more cheers from his MAGA hatted moronic minions.

Of all the crap that the ‘old white man’ Repubs do, there’s one that’s gonna kick their asses in 2020.

Women aren’t stupid, and they VOTE. Kiss your wrinkly, old white asses good bye, jerks(R). Over 60% of voters think abortion should be ‘between a woman and her doctor’ and only 2 in 10 think Roe v Wade should be overturned. And those numbers are from FOX!

Nancy Pelosi clearly ‘touched a nerve’ with Dotard when she accused him of a ‘cover up’, and the Liar in Chief claimed, ‘I’m the most transparent president ever’.

 Yup, a transparent LIAR, conman and puppet of the Russians who got him elected. Pelosi “hit on something that is core to his con.  His whole life is about the cover-up. He has covered up his academic record, his health reports, his dalliances with women, his finances, his family history.  Even while he was saying he was the most transparent president in history, his Treasury secretary was across town telling Congress, ‘I’m not giving you the president’s tax returns.’ “One of the biggest motivating factors in Trump’s life — other than food, greed, sex and revenge — is mythmaking.  Deep down, he knows he’s a pathological liar and he’s not the person he says he is.  But any time anyone pierces that veil, it sends him into a rage.”

How true, from my buddy Dave

My head hurts, puzzling over whether Trump is just a big blowhard who’s flailing around, or a sinister genius laying traps to get himself impeached to animate the base ahead of the election. A minute ago, we were fixated on the half of the Mueller report that vividly details how Trump tried to shut down and hinder the Mueller investigation, and now he’s blocked it from view. Just as Trump once wore out contractors, bankers, lawyers and businesspeople in New York with his combative, insulting and wayward ways,  now he’s wearing out the political crowd , as he tries to beat everybody here into submission with his daily, even hourly, onslaught of outrage piled upon outrage. Lie upon lie upon outrageous lie, as he does his third-rate ‘stand up comic’ routine in front of his MAGA-hatted moronic crowd. Journalists must not become inured to Trump’s outlandish, transgressive behavior.  Mitch McConnell, Barr and almost everyone else in the G.O.P. have made themselves numb t...

Can anyone, even the moronic FOXSheep, argue the fact(S) that Dotard got his start from a tax cheating dad, and the spoiled brat used his ill-gotten gains

to LIE, cheat and steal his way to the top of NYC conmen, using his Army of Lawyers, bullying those who couldn’t afford to fight his MANY bankruptcies, while cheating on ALL his wives, hiding his taxes, Russian financing and crooked henchmen, with his chief lawyer and campaign chairman in JAIL, (the kind of stuff, half of which would have gotten Obama rightfully IMPEACHED) while using the gullible sheep, FOXFans and the ULTRA gullible church people, ‘He’s one of us’ (OMG!) to LIE his way to the top, with the help of his HIGHLY INTELLIGENT Bible Belt Base to negate the votes of those who actually BELIEVE in science and higher education, proving climate change, evolution and the earth ISN’T 6000 years old. Again, if I gotta explain what a LYING (I’m like REALLY smart, a stable genius), Russian-backed sleazeball he is, you wouldn’t understand. Sorta like SCIENCE......

As we look forward to our next trip, to Portugal and Spain, we realize we’re gonna through the same old crap.

As the locals meet with and look at us, and we gotta go thru the same old stuff. As Americans, Europeans look at us and think, WTF?, these morons elected Donald F’ing Trump as president? SCREW them.... Then we go thru the same dance, as in WE, actual THINKING Americans HATE the a-hole, and it was the 1/3 of FOXMorons, with the preacher-led sheep who put Fat Donny in the White House. Then they read my T-shirt and anti-Dotard button and realize we AREN’T the Ugly Americans they have learned to hate. Then we have a new day and a new city, and go through the same crap again....No we’re not FOXSheep, we hate the Liar in Chief as much or more than you do, yup, he’s an asshole, etc... Same old crap as we travel and win friends, proving we can’t stand the Pathological LIAR, who gives America a BAD NAME all over world, as much or more than they do, as the jerk(R) makes new, OUTRAGEOUS headlines every day, like, ‘I’m REALLY smart, a stable genius’, while proving the Russian-backed ego-ma...

Since when did subpoenas become ‘Optional?’


This just in, and it’s FOR REAL.

The morons who built the replica of Noah’s Ark, and sell the fantasy to the sheep, are suing their insurers for ‘Rain Damage’. No shit! You can’t make this stuff up, from the ‘Brain Trust’ of the Repub Party, whose votes count the same as educated people....

I keep thinking, ‘I can’t be shocked anymore, by what the a-holes(R) do’, BUT,

They’ve put out the ‘EDITED’ video of Nancy Pelosi, that makes her look drunk/stoned/incapacitated, and the ignorant, gullible sheep swallow it, as REAL. Yup, Dotard and his pack of guilty henchmen are running scared, and nothing is ‘off limits’ for this crew of swamp creatures, as Fat Donny ‘ReTweeted’ it to the gullible crew that swallows crap like this. The sheep will believe ANYTHING that proves ‘Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, and this latest concoction of Pub bullshit fits right in their ‘wheelhouse’. Total LIES and fabrication, and swallowed by the ignorant sheep. Just when I think, ‘They can’t possible get WORSE’......They(R) always do. And to prove it, there’s ONE a-hole(R), who’s stopping Billions in Disaster Aid to those in need, cuz Dotard didn’t get his wall money. Screw you Dotard, and the morons(R) you rode in on... 1 GOP Rep Is Keeping Billions In Disaster Relief From Americans Who Need It Rep. Chip Roy of Texas stalled a bill that would give billions to areas recover...

Just like GW and The Dick(R) bought the farm state support for their ‘Oops no WMD’s’ war, based on lies, with ethanol subsidies, Dotard is buying the farm state vote with BILLIONS in handouts as his foreign policy is wrecking trade all ove the world.

Yup, nothing buys votes like cold, hard cash, and that’s what the Pubs ship out to their sheep in the corn belt, guaranteeing Pub votes in all upcoming elections.. And the rest of us? We PAY for Repub bullshit with ethanol that takes more energy to produce than we get from it, and higher prices for Dotard’s TARIFFS, that he claims ‘Jina pays for’. Typical Pub subsidies to the people that HATE Socialism, unless it goes into THEIR pockets. Then it’s GREAT. Screw Fat Donny and the gullible sheep he rode in on.

Dotard is telling all his henchmen to ‘ignore the subpoenas’, and he’s doing it himself.

This alone, not even counting all the other crap he’s pulled, is the DEFINITION of Obstruction of Justice! What more do you need? And, we have Fat Donny saying, ‘My way or NO highways’, as he holds the nation’s infrastructure HOSTAGE to stop all the investigations into his sleazy, criminal actions. There have already been 36 CONVICTIONS of his henchmen, including his lawyer and campaign chairman, BUT, the Pubs love to call it all Fake News. Off the chart HYPOCRISY from slimeballs(R), but nothing new here.......

As the market continues to tank, because Dotard and his IDIOT Economic Advisor Peter Navarro screw with world trade, we can’t help but remember her Far Donny’s words.

‘Trade wars are GOOD, and EASY to win.’ Just another LIE from the vile mouth of the LIAR in Chief. .

Wow, when even the clowns at Bullshit Mountain start turning on the Liar in Chief, Fat Donny has to know he’s in trouble.

Starting with Chris Wallace, Judge Nap and several of the ‘Opinion’ writers, the clowns at FOX are GRADUALLY starting to recognize reality and see that Dotard is a LIAR who can’t be trusted. If he’s so ‘transparent’ and innocent why is he fighting EVERY effort to get to the truth? (See Jon Summers piece on FOX today, as he claims Trump is a guilty LIAR.) He’s ignoring subpoenas, suing everyone and using his Army of Lawyers to obstruct everyone who’s trying to find out the FACTS of the Mueller report which his pet monkey is doing his best to BURY. Yup, even the clowns at FOX can only keep their heads up their asses for so long, before they realize the inevitability that the LYING conman is ‘going down’ sooner (hopefully) or later.

As the market continues it’s slide downward, I saw an interesting segment on CNBC, the Financial Channel, about negotiations between the US and ‘Jina’, as Dotard calls them.

Basically, the problem is that the Liar in Chief, and his henchmen have ZERO Credibility, and the Chinese have learned what we already know. You can’t believe a word out of Fat Donny’s mouth, AND, they beleive he’s not gonna be around for another term, SO, they are just gonna ‘wait him out’, which is bad news for world trade, where the incompetent jerk(R) has already cost TRILLIONS in world trade. The bad news? We’re stuck with the LYING pice of crap for the two years it will take to vote him out or impeach his fat, guilty ass, BUT, stay tuned, as it seems we are gonna find out more about his taxes and financial records. The stuff that he REALLY doesn’t want us to see. Ever wonder WHY? Sorta like WHY the Russians wanted him as US prez? As we find out more, even the ‘head up their ass crowd’ is gonna see why 2/3 of the US and nearly ALL of the world HATES the LIAR in Chief.

One of the FEW things Dems and Pubs can agree on is INFRASTRUCTURE needs to get done, as the highways and bridges we all use fall into further disrepair.

The Pubs controlled EVERYTHING in Washington for two years and did NOTHING to fix the myriad problems. Now the Dems wanna get started and Fat Donny ‘walks out’ of the meeting saying NOTHING gets done until the Dems drop ALL of the investigations against the guilty son of a bitch. Just more proof of the total incompetence of the Russian-backed, pussy grabbing, Pathological LIAR, who thinks he can bully his way into or out of EVERYTHING, like he did as a NYC conman, dodging taxes, borrowing from Russia and going BANKRUPT whenever he got in trouble. Screw him and the ignorant, gullible sheep he rode in on.

Other than outright cheating and LYING, one of Dotard’s favorite tactics, to crew others out of money,

was to unleash his Army of Lawyers and create such a YUUUGE legal expense that most people couldn’t afford to fight him and they’d just give up. The sleazeball is trying the same thing now, fighting EVERYTHING with lawsuits and legal challenges, trying to gum up the works, while he delays the inevitable. Good luck Fat Donny. You can run, but you can’t hide We still have laws and justice, no matter HOW many lawyers you have. You’re gong down, you sleazy conman.....

Wow, it’s good to know that a YUUUUGE majority of people aren’t FOXSheep, swallowing the crap from Bullshit Mountain.

By a large majority, Americans want special counsel Robert Mueller and former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before Congress, according to a  Monmouth University poll  released Wednesday. Seventy-three percent of those surveyed said that Mueller should appear before Congress to answer questions about his investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia in the 2016 presidential election. As for McGahn, 67 percent of those surveyed said he should testify. Once they do, even the ‘head up their ass crowd’, the FOXSheep, oughta see what 2/3 of America already knows. Dotard is a LYING conman and oughta go to prison, after he’s impeached. Stay tuned.....

Now we know why Dotard threw a tantrum today, saying, ‘No Infrastructure Bill’ until the Dems stop ALL investigations.

First of all, he wants the investigations to CEASE, cuz he’s going to prison if/when they find out all his CRIMES. Second, and even more important, there is NO MONEY for infrastructure, which nearly EVERYONE supports, both sides of the aisle, cuz he gave it all away, to the military and a tax cut for the 1%. Same old shit from the Pubs. $$$$ goes to the VERY RICH and the most bloated military the world has ever seen. Nothing left for bullshit like roads, bridges, airports etc. Screw Dotard and the GULLIBLE sheep he rode in on.

Wow, the criminal conman is getting closer to prison, EVERY day, and this was a great day.

The State of New York is gonna provide copies of his state taxes, which no INNOCENT person would mind, AND, Deutsche Bank is gonna release records of his financial dealings (OMG, he’s going to JAIL) with Russia and the Russian Mafia. Just be patient, the LYING son of a bitch can run, and obstruct, BUT NOT FOREVER. The Liar in Chief, and his criminal henchmen con only OBSTRUCT so much, and even though he has the Atty Gen on his side, instead of the country’s, the circle is closing in, cuz we still live in a country of LAWS, and not even Fat Donny is Above the Law. YAHOO! President Donald Trump, three of his children and the Trump Organization on Wednesday lost their bid to block Deutsche Bank AG and Capital One Financial Corp from providing financial records to Democratic lawmakers investigating Trump's businesses. Read Newsmax:  Judge Says Deutsche Bank, Capital One Can Turn Over Trump Financial Records to House Democrats 

If there’s ONE thing threat Dems and Pubs agree on, it’s infrastructure spending, with nearly 90% of the US public agreeing.

SO, when the Pubs who had total control of Congress AND the presidency for two years, they totally IGNORED it. Now that the Dems are pushing it, Dotard is using it as a bargaining chip for the Dems to stop ALL investigations into his criminal enterprise. Just think you think the a-holes(R) can’t POSSIBLY get any worse, they always do. Trump hits back at Pelosi: 'I don't do cover-ups' Trump cut short bipartisan talks on infrastructure, demanding that Pelosi end oversight investigations by House Democrats. The Liar in Chief DID say something true, for a change, though, when he claimed ‘I’m the most transparent president in history’. SO TRUE. He’s a transparent criminal, crook and LIAR.

Remember when Dotard bitched about Obama playing too much golf?

Well, SO FAR, we tax payers have picked up the tab to the tune of over a HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS for Fat Donny’s golf habit, with a LOT of that going to line his own pockets as his ‘security’ stays at HIS resorts and rents golf carts, eat and sleep at our expense, and his profit. And next month he’s taking a trip to play golf in Ireland and we’re picking up the seven figure tab. As always, if Obama had done crap like this the clowns at FOX, and the gullible sheep who swallow their crap would be up in arms. BUT, since it’s the Liar in Chief(R), it’s totally ignored, cuz it’s NO PROBLEM. Just like he and his henchmen IGNORE legal subpoenas. NO PROBLEM for the Law and Order, ‘follow the Constitution’ crowd, as long as they can keep ‘their boy’ from testifying ‘under oath’ about his MULTIPLE crimes. Including his financial deals with Russia. Screw the fat jerk(R) and the HYPOCTRITES he rode in on.....

‘Tis Springtime in the Rockies, as we woke up broken tree branches and several inches of snow.

I like snow, but this is ridiculous, looking across our backyard on May 21st.

Lest we forget.

The Russians made extraordinary efforts to make sure Dotard was elected. You gullible rightwingnuts ever wonder WHY?

Whoa, Dotard went off the rails today with a BUNCH of batshit Tweets after it came out that Deutche Bank was being investigated for ‘money laudering’ and that’s where he got one of his YUUUUGE loans, approx $2.5 BILLION,

This was in addition to the $$$ he was getting from Russian banks, according to his boys, after US funding ‘fried up’. Maybe it was all the bankruptcies, where he’d suck out the cash and leave everyone else holding the bag? Anyway, the NYT has sources that he was under investigation, along with Deutche Bank, for Russian money laundering, BUT, Dotard claims he didn’t need loans, ‘cuz I paid cash’. Do even the most gullible sheep swallow this crap? Probably. Cuz they’ll believe ANYTHING, from FOX and and/or Fat Donny. There’s a reason, actually MANY reasons that Dotard won’t show his taxes or financials AND he’s threatened the banks, like he did ALL his schools, with YUUUGE lawsuits if they release any of his records or grades or financial info. Hmmm, ever wonder WHY? Maybe he’s not NREALY as rich, or smart as he pretends. Or even close. Not that the sheep would give a shit about that OR his Russian connections, which are deep, multiple  and long term.

Checking out the ‘Weather’ on TV, and see we’re under a YUUUGE system that stretches from the Pacific, to Canada and down to the Baja.

Some mountain passes, that were just cleared, with over 20 foot drifts, are gonna get another 18” of snow in the next couple of days. I love this time of year as we see a YUUUGE amount of water build up, as snow, in the high country. BTW, golf, in shorts, this week..... Have I mentioned I LOVE Colorado?

In spite of getting the AG he’s always wanted, someone who’d lie and cheat for him, Dotard’s crimes of obstruction are SO obvious that even Pub Congressmen, as well as some denizens of Bullshit Mountain (incl Judge Napolitano), can no longer ignore that facts.

 The Liar in Chief is ‘guilty as charged’, although he hasn’t been charged, cuz his pet monkey in the AG’s office is HIS lawyer, not the Atty Gen of the US as he is supposed to be. Repub;I can Congressman Amash tweeted, "Contrary to Barr's portrayal, Mueller's report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment." "In fact," he said, "Mueller's report identifies multiple examples of conduct satisfying all the elements of obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly any person who is not the president of the United States would be indicted based on such evidence." Mueller laid out at least TEN instances where Fat Donny lied and obstructed justice, an impeachable crime, as his family, henchmen and campaign committee met and communicated with the Russians, who installed his fat ass in the White House, for their own, obvious reasons. And it WASN’T to make America stro...

Because we’ve traveled a lot, we really like ‘International House Hunters’, where travelers buy or rent homes in foreign countries.

It’s interesting to see prices, around the world. BUT, it kinda pisses me off, as we see rental that we couldn’t afford, paid for by the US military, for ‘soldiers’ posted all over the world, (90 countries) that the military ‘occupies’ for some dumb, expensive reason. Yup, the most bloated military in the world, BY FAR, pays, (with our tax dollars), for housing that the average person couldn’t afford. Same old shit, from the Repub War Machine, that spend $$$$ like a drunken sailor, with Zero accountability. There have been MANY attempts to see the accounts of ‘the military’, and no one has a clue how the BILLIONS are spent, but the ‘rent’, for high end living by those ‘protecting’ (HA) our country takes a LOT. Again, same old shit from the Pub War Machine that wallows BILLIONS with no one watching the purse. Nothing new here, but it SUCKS, as the US is the only country that can’t afford health care for it’s citizens. Screw Dotard and the gullible sheep he rode in on, who allo...

Remember the Law and Order party.Yup, that’s what the clowns loved to call themselves, UNTIL they don’t like the laws.

Now these jerks(R) claim that LAWS (like the 1928 Law that EVERYONE must provide their tax return, even criminal presidents), don’t apply to them, when the Liar in Chief has YUUUUGE financial dealings with Russia. Yup, the same Russia that installed the Pathological LIAR into the White House. Yup, that criminal conman, who laundered Russian Mafia money. WITHOUT A DOUBT, through his NYC property. Cash/ruble deals...... BUT, the criminals(R) don’t want Doatrd’s taxes exposed to the light of day, cuz they don’t want the gullible, ignorant sheep to see what a criminal ‘their boy’ actually is. Not that they’d give a shit. Dotard’s a Russian shill, under Putin’s thumb. A shill that the Russian govt made a YUUUGE, successful effort to make the prez of the USA. How ‘bout it, ignorant sheep? You wanna argue the FACT that Putin and his pals REALLY wanted the Orange Clown in the White House? You ever wonder WHY? Bottom line, screw Dotard and the ignorant sheep he rode in...

It never ceases to amaze me, how the shop can look at Dotard and claim what a great businessman he is/was.

RU shittin’ me. This moron is famous cuz his daddy gave him hundreds of millions, and then both of them ‘cheated their asses off’ on taxes, plus he had an army oof lawyers to guide him through MANY bankruptcies, where he got the $$$ and the others went bankrupt for ‘real’. The a-hole(R) couldn’t even make it as a casino owner, with no competition. Can you understand how BAD that is? The idiot went bankrupt in an industry where the house has a YUUUUGE advantage. The Clown went bankrupt, with his airline, vodka, steaks, University, (where he would have done prison time, if not being prez), and MANY other times. And the morons love his ‘business sense’. He’s nothing but a tax cheater, bully and Pathological LIAR, financed by his criminal father. OR.... Prime Presidential material if you’re a dumbass FOXSheep. BUT, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, sorta like ‘real life’ wherei, the morons who get their ‘news’ from FOX don’t have a chance, BUT, they’r welcome on Bullshi...

There are LOTS of intelligent young voters out there, who didn’t vote last time.

I think I have the slogan that’s gonna change America, for the better, AND, whoever’s in charge of stuff, I give you my permission to use it. You didn’t vote last time, and we got Trump. You can make up for your mistake. VOTE in 2020.

Good story today, about a moron paid over $93 MILLION for a chrome rabbit. Who the hell would do that?

Oh yeah, the family that Dotard appointed to his Cabinet, Steven Mnuchin’s dad, paid $93 BILLION for a small stainless steel rabbit. And the Iowa farmers vote for the clown, who only appoints the BEST people, like Bolton, who took us to war in Iraq, and now wants a war with Iran. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, just as you don’t understand basic reality. Donald F’in Trump for president, and you wanna be taken seriously? Give me a break, ignorant sheep......

The Pubs are famous for LYING to the sheep, as in, ‘Less Govt Control’

Unless it’s a bunch of old white men, CONTROLLING women’s bodies. (Check out ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’) It’s not your body, you old farts(R), as the HYPOCRITES say govt has no place in private decisions, unless the rightwingnut religious police gain control over EVERYONE, by way of changing the LAW, supported by less than a third of the country. Sounds good right? IF you are a religious rightwingnut(R), who wanna trample on a woman’s right to control her own body. Screw Dotard and the gullible minority he rode in on.

Dotard’s illegal Tariffs amount to one of the largest ‘tax increases’ in American history.

For the rightwingnuts who don’t get any ‘real’ news, except for a few mavericks on Bullshit Mountain, check out Judge Napolitano’s column today, as he explains the new TAX and also explains how King Donald is violating the Constitution in SO many ways. Even the average FOXSheep should be able to understand Judge Nap’s summary. ECONOMY Trump’s tariffs are equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in decades PUBLISHED 4 HOURS AGO UPDATED 2 HOURS AGO The combined $72 billion from all the president’s tariffs ranks as one of the biggest tax increases since 1993, according to CNBC analysis of data from the Treasury Department. The tariff revenue ranks as the largest increase as a percent of GDP since 1993 when compared with the first year of all the revenue measures enacted since then, according to the data.

Of all the Americans being hurt by Dotard’s tariffs, including anyone who uses steel or aluminum, he’s singling out the farmers, who elected the incompetent idiot, to line up for govt handouts, as their ilk despises ‘socialism’.

Yup, the farmer’s are ‘special’ cuz the gullible sheep of farm country are one of the main reasons we have the Russian-backed pussy grabbing, NYC conman, Pathological LIAR in the White House. The problem is, there’s not enough money in the US Treasury to compensate for the harm this clown has done, and will do to the American people, as he leads by ‘gut feelings’ and his cadre of totally incompetent henchmen. The Trump administration could make as much as $20 billion available to farmers in a second round of assistance designed to help offset losses from China's latest retaliatory tariffs, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said late Wednesday. As they line up for the handouts from the clown who caused their losses, the recipients want MORE, after ‘their boy’ wrecked their markets. The first batch of trade aid was met with complaints, primarily from corn and wheat growers, that the formulas used to calculate direct assistance didn't adequately reflect their losses. T...

For all you Dotard fans, here’s a ‘bargain’ for you. Yup, you gotta ‘feel the connection’ between Fat Donny and God.

For only $45, you too can have a gold-plated coin, featuring the Clown’s face on the body of a Bible Belt favorite. And you wonder how we got Donald F-in’ Trump as prez? It just goes to show, No one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people. For only $45 you can establish a “point of contact” with God via a gold-plated coin engraved with President Trump and King Cyrus’ faces — according to the “Jim Bakker Show” at least. The coin is being peddled by Lance Wallnau, who claims God told him people need it to pray for Trump, and this coin would help establish the connection.

Dotard did it again. He always manages to put HIS failings on someone else.

The Liar in Chief reacted to Bill DeBlasio’s entry into the Dem Perez race (OMG, another one?), by saying. ‘He’s a JOKE. NYC HATES him.” Hmmm. Remind you of anyone? Maybe someone who got 15% of the vote, in the place that knew him best? The Iowa farmers loved him though, cuz he is ‘one of them’, and ‘he can relate to the little guy’. Oh, and he’s a ‘Christian, like them.’ OMG......

Thank you again, rightwingnuts, for not only electing Donald F’ing Trump, but backing Alabama’s latest bullshit.

AS IF, Repub lawmakers TRUMP a woman’s right to her own body. Screw you, Dotard and the gullible sheep you rode in on....

I see where several tourists were killed, when two planes collided in Alaska.

The planes involved were a De Havilland  Otter and a DH Beaver, both of which took us to our cabin on our island on Wildnest Lake in Canada, where we lived on walleye and beer for four days, 14 years in a row. So sorry for the people killed and injured taking an excursion from the same cruise ship we took to see Alaska. Can relate to them, and so sorry for the families. Beautiful part of the world, though.

We just learned that Doatrd’s handler, Vlad baby, scored EIGHT GOALS in a Russian hockey game.

Seems he has a wicked slap shot. You block his shot, you get slapped and SHOT. The kind of dictator Dotard would KILL to be. Fat Donny’s hero.

When the Liar in Chief is at his own course, with his own caddy and making his own rules (cheating!), he’s a GREAT golfer. Just ask him, or wait for him to tell you.

BUT, when there are REAL rules and a camera on him he sucks. Just like at Pro-Ams, where he REALLY sucks and at Pebble Beach, where he is ‘0 for Forever’. Same old shit. If you listen to HIM, or his State TV from Bullshit Mountain, he’s GREAT. BUT, in real life, he SUCKS. Does it bother anyone else that we have a Russian-backed, cheating, incompetent LIAR in charge? And BTW, I don’t need to hear from the ‘head up their ass’ FOXSheep, who don’t have a clue. Purdy: Recounting Trump’s Pebble Beach  track record (hint: not good) In seven tries at the amateur division of the AT&T event, the future president failed to make the cut

File it under ‘No Shit, Sherlock’

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) will not participate in a town hall on Fox News , saying Tuesday that she turned down an invite to go on the conservative network.  “Fox News is a hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists ― it’s designed to turn us against each other, risking life & death consequences, to provide cover for the corruption that’s rotting our government and hollowing out our middle class,” Warren wrote in a series of tweets.  She said Fox News tries to sell itself as a “reputable news outlet” by mixing its “bigotry, racism, and outright lies” with some legitimate journalism in order to bring in ad money.  But, even without ad money, FOX would continue to be financed by the Republican Party, to give their version of the ‘news’ to those who choose to remain ignorant.

The FOX headlines proclaim Dotard is boosting NASA’s budget, BUT, they don’t say WHERE the money iis coming from.

And the lying jerks(R) also included this LIE. It's unclear where the money to pay for the new spending requests will come from. For that you’d have to read ‘real’ news that the sheep choose to ignore, subsisting instead on the Repub LIES shoveled to them from Bullshit Mountain. The funds are coming directly from the Pell Program that gives scholarships for higher education to worthy low income students. And we know the proven fact that the more education a person gets the more likely they are to be a Dem, SO, Fat Donny and his henchmen are nipping that ‘in the bud’. Don’t believe me, Google it. As in where the money is coming from AND the higher education thing, as in the Top Ten educ/income states are all Blue and the lowest are all Red.. SO, to keep their ignorant base, the Pubs will do anything, including cutting the Pell Grants and shoveling LIES from Bullshit Mountain to the sheep. Some things never change, esp in the low income/low education Bible Belt ...

Dotard’s pet monkey, egged on by the clowns at FOX, is pushing to find the ‘origins’, or as Fat Donny would say, ‘Oranges’ of the Trump/Russia investigation.

The answer is EASY. Job Bush began the fact finding mission, that definitely showed the Trump Campaign had MANY contacts with the Russians, and after he was BULLIED out of the race by Fat Donny he sold the info to Hillary. There you go Barr, you hand-picked presidential ass kisser, now get back to BURYING the report we’ve all waited two years to hear, that the Pubs want NO ONE to see.

Whoever tells the ignorant jerk(R) oughta mention that ‘Jina’ doesn’t pay the tariffs WE do


Looks like I’m not the only one noticing....

Dotard would love nothing more than being a War President, and nothing would work better to get the headlines away from his taxes, subpoena dodging and obstruction charges as he goads Iran into making a mistake so he can unleash the military on another ill-conceived war in the MidEast. It’s called Republican diplomacy, and the arms mfgrs LOVE it, not to mention Putin, Fat Donny’s handler, whose oil would at least DOUBLE in value. LONDON – The United States is playing a "very dangerous game" as it attempts to "drag Iran into an unnecessary war," a senior Iranian official said Tuesday.  Baeidinejadsaid said from the Iranian perspective it appeared that some of President Donald Trump's closest advisers such as National Security Adviser John Bolton were actively "trying to convince" Trump to start a military confrontation that neither country wants and would be "devastating" for both Iran, the U.S. and the region. Yup, the same archit...

Wow, think about how good we could have been if we had listened to the rightwingnuts and not legalized cannabis? Way better, hu?

For the third year in a row, Colorado’s economy ranked first among U.S. states, according to the U.S. News & World Report’s annual Best States Rankings, released on Tuesday. Denver and Colorado Springs held the No. 2 and 3 spots on the magazine’s list of best cities to live. “Colorado takes the No. 1 spot in the economy ranking, with an impressive performance in measures of growth and entrepreneurship,” said Deidre McPhillips, senior data editor at U.S. News & World Report, as the state moves from Purple to solid Blue.

The LEAST desirable address in NYC?

Yup, Dotard Tower, or Trump Tower, as it says on the from The people who actually KNOW the criminal conman gave him 15% of the vote, while the Iowa farmer’s, cuz he was ‘one of them’ gave him a YUUUUGE majority, cuz they are SO smart. Anyway, while NYC property values are soaring, Trump Tower occupants are taking losses, as anyone who’d live there SHOULD. Trump Tower is now one of the least desirable buildings in Manhattan The name Trump has driven down the value of the condos within the Tower...Bloomberg reports that if you owned a condo, sales have led to a 20 percent loss after adjusting for inflation. Just to put that number in perspective, according to PropertyShark, just 0.23 percent of homes in Manhattan over the past two years sold at a loss. The commercial area of the building is struggling as well...real estate broker data reveals that more than 42,000 square feet of office space remain vacant.

As always, the dumbass just doesn’t get it, thinking we ‘take in’ billions of dollars, rather than we PAY billions of dollars.

 The dumbshit continually PROVES what an idiot he is. Like the gullible sheep who elected him. Speaking to reporters at the White House Monday, Trump expressed high confidence in his approach. “We’re in a very good position and I think it’s only going to get better,” Trump said of the trade fight so far.  “We’re taking in tens of billions of dollars, I think it’s working out very well.” OMG, he doesn’t have a clue, and he’s running our country. Thanks again, morons.....

We just had a discussion here, with a very current theme.

Are there MORE stupid morons these days, OR, do they just get more publicity, as in the FOXSheep? At first I said, ‘the number of STOOPID people is pretty much constant, with about a third of all people being stupid, just by applying common math. But then I realized an obvious fact. The people who SHOULD be repopulating our country are having WAY less children, as in one or none, while the IDIOTS among us are breeding like rabbits. Yup, the average IQ in the US is DROPPING, well below average, (which ain’t that high), and it was proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, as the morons elected Donald F’ing Trump as prez. In the words of McTurtleface, spokesman of the morons,,,,,, Case closed...... Oops, did I hear the rightwingnuts saying, ‘But we’re the smart (educated, high income) ones? Look up the top ten tax paying states, all Blue, and bottom ten tax sucking states, all Red. Now shut up, and go back to Rush and Sean, you morons.....

Remember when the Pubs took Obama’s words out of context? He said ‘You didn’t build that, and was referring to the roads, bridges, and infrastructure that people used to ‘get to’ someone’s business.

The LYING Pubs said, ‘You didn’t build that’, referred to someone’s business. Typical baldass Pub LIES. Now they’re doing it again, against a Dem Congresswomen, accusing her of ‘hating Jews’. The Pubs, including Dotard, are using the first sentence, totally out of context, to create another LIE. Their favorite form of ‘herding the sheep’ where they want ‘em. Check the first sentence, that the Pubs are shoveling to the sheep, then read the rest. Same old shit from the LYING jerks(R). There’s, you know, there’s a kind of a calming feeling, I always tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, (what the Pubs used), (but they left out this part), and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence, in many ways, had been wiped out … in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific per...

Dotard is not only good at losing his OWN money (or actually his Daddy’s and investor’s) but now the lossesfrom his ‘gut instincts’ have cost investors around the world over a TRILLION dollars in ONE day.

Yup, the incompetent asshole(R), that the entire ‘thinking’ world already hated hasn’t made any new friends today. Except Putin that is, laughing his ass off, celebrating the greatest coup in Russian history, as Fat Donny(R) wrecks markets and drives up oil prices, driving us toward war with Iran, based on LIES. Just like GW(R) and The Dick(R) did with WMD’s in Iraq, after the Saudi’s attacked us on 9-11. SURPRISE! Oil went WAY up, for the Saudi’s and GW and the Dick’s people. Now Russian oil prices are ‘lookin’ good’, with a war in Iran ‘on the horizon’. Somebody tell the stupid SOB he can’t just ‘declare bankruptcy’ like he always does when the shit hits the fan, this time. Screw him and the gullible sheep(R) he rode in on.

In normal, pre-Dotard times, if the stock market tanked, (thanks Fat Donny), oil would go down with it, a BUNCH, which would offset some of our losses.

BUT, because the Liar in Chief is also trying to start a ‘shooting war’ with Iran, which Putin would LOVE, the price of oil isn’t coming down, which Putin ALSO loves. SO, as we lose investment money, we’re gonna pay more for about EVERYTHING else, as well. Thanks again, gullible sheep, for voting in the Russian-backed, budget busting,  pussy grabbing, NYC conman/Pathological LIAR. But, oh yeah, he’s a ‘Christian’, like the Iowa farmers and Southern Bible Belt trailer dwellers. Now I feel a whole lot better. Not that he’d LIE about something so holy.....

The gullible rightwingnuts love to say, ‘Trump is just standing up to China for us.’Bullshit!

Like David ‘The Brain’ Faber said on CNBC, the Financial Network. If you wanna deal with China, you stay with the TPP, (Trans Pacific Pact) which had been formed with the US, and MANY other nations, to deal with China and their abuses. (Dotard pulled us out, like he did with the Paris Accord, the Iran Deal, NAFTA, European pacts and nearly ALL the alliances built up over the years, while REALLY pissing off the rest of the world, except for his buddies in Russia.) Fabre said we could have had all the other nations work WITH us, instead of pissing all of them off, like ‘we’ did with Mexico, Canada and the European Union. ‘Now we’re going it alone’, said Faber, as he showed how pissed off HE was with Dotard. Basically everyone, except for the brainwashed FOXSheep, can see what he’s done to us. Who knows IF they ever will. Hard to think, with your head DEEP in your ass.....

The ‘Dumbshit in Charge’ just showed exactly how ignorant his is, as he just said,

‘We’re gonna pay the farmer’s $15 Billion, out of the tariff money we get from Jina’. Are you shittin’ me? The stupid jerk(R) doesn’t even realize that China doesn’t PAY the tariffs. ‘We the people’ do. We need to get rid of this idiot(R) ASAP!

File it under, ‘Duh, No Shit’

A fiery New York Times piece has claimed President Trump is clawing at the "conventional fabric of this country" and "may well become the first American king, lawless and unaccountable." The piece, penned by columnist Charles Blow for the outlet's Sunday edition, issued the dire warning to readers amid the administration's ongoing battle with House Democrats in the aftermath of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report. "We are drifting dangerously close to an imperial presidency that exists above and outside the rules we thought were designed to prevent such an occurrence," Blow wrote . Blow backed his extreme warning by pointing to the letter from over seven hundred of former federal prosecutors, who said they believed Trump would have been indicted by Mueller for obstruction of justice if he weren't president, with the Justice Dept. refusing to prosecute him. President Donald Trump is heading toward his 2020 reelection camp...