Dotard needs someone to EXPLAIN something to him.

When the dumbshit puts 25% tariffs on Chinese goods, or, the ‘Jinese’ as Fat Donny says, don’t pay tariffs, WE do, in higher prices on nearly everything we get from China, which is nearly everything we buy.
If the public was told the TAXES on something went from zero, to ten, to twenty five percent, they’d be PISSED. Especially his Southern, trailer park base, who don’t have any $$$ to spare.

For decades we have traded a strong dollar for CHEAP LABOR, and $$ flowed one way and the inexpensive products, from cars to TV’s to appliances, drugs, clothing, shampoo and EVERYTHING else you can think of, flowed to us. And we loved it.

Then the gullible, clueless sheep elected the NYC conman, and he appointed a totally incompetent (like nearly ALL his Cabinet, think Dr Ben Carson at HUD) Economic Advisor (Peter Navarro), after Gary Cohen, (very qualified), QUIT, and called the clown a FUCKING IDIOT, like Rex Tillerson  who quit and used the same words.

Now, as Fat Donny and his henchmen defy subpoenas, to see the report that his pet monkey has HIDDEN, and Dotard won’t allow any questions to those who prepared the document that PROVES his OBSTRUCTION, many times, he’s trying to start a war with Iran, after they had totally kept to an agreement that the whole world agreed to, before the Orange Clown pulled out, (like he did with the Paris Accord), in an effort to raise oil prices for his buddies in Russia, who inflicted the incompetent asshole, as president of their Number One Enemy.

And the ignorant sheep can’t even see it, cuz FOXLies, the Pub Propaganda Channel, where they get their ‘news’ IGNORES the truth, as Pubs Good—Dems BAD, case-closed, is all they broadcast. And the sheep swallow it. Hook, line and sinker. And think they are INFORMED. HA!
Enjoy your new ‘tax’, clueless sheep, as Dotard thinks we can compete with the CHEAP LABOR in China.
Suck on it, suckers.....


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