Wow, Robert Mueller said it SO CLEAR, that even the rightwingnuts can understand. HA! AS IF they wanna understand...
Here ya go, for the sheep that get their ‘news’ form Bullshit Mountain, which is PROPAGANDA, instead of news.
1) "If we had had confidence that the President had clearly not committed a crime, we would have said so."
2) "Charging the President with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider."
Bottom line, the a-hole is GUILTY, but we couldn’t charge him.
‘’Effectively what Bob Mueller said is we had evidence that [Trump] committed a crime, but we couldn’t charge him because he’s the president of the United States,” Napolitano said on the Fox Business Network following the news conference.
‘’Effectively what Bob Mueller said is we had evidence that [Trump] committed a crime, but we couldn’t charge him because he’s the president of the United States,” Napolitano said on the Fox Business Network following the news conference.
Can’t get any plainer than that, even though the gullible, ignorant sheep will STILL keep their heads buried DEEP up their asses. WOW, I’m shocked.