As we look forward to our next trip, to Portugal and Spain, we realize we’re gonna through the same old crap.

As the locals meet with and look at us, and we gotta go thru the same old stuff.
As Americans, Europeans look at us and think, WTF?, these morons elected Donald F’ing Trump as president? SCREW them....
Then we go thru the same dance, as in WE, actual THINKING Americans HATE the a-hole, and it was the 1/3 of FOXMorons, with the preacher-led sheep who put Fat Donny in the White House.
Then they read my T-shirt and anti-Dotard button and realize we AREN’T the Ugly Americans they have learned to hate.
Then we have a new day and a new city, and go through the same crap again....No we’re not FOXSheep, we hate the Liar in Chief as much or more than you do, yup, he’s an asshole, etc...

Same old crap as we travel and win friends, proving we can’t stand the Pathological LIAR, who gives America a BAD NAME all over world, as much or more than they do, as the jerk(R) makes new, OUTRAGEOUS headlines every day, like, ‘I’m REALLY smart, a stable genius’, while proving the Russian-backed ego-maniac doesn’t have the intelligence of a slow fourth grader as he LIES his FAT ASS off, every day.....


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