Impeachment? Hell yes, for Slick Wilyl Barr. The corrupt Atty Gen who ignores legal subpoenas, and won’t allow Congress to see the FACTS on his criminal boss.

He is SUPPOSED to work for, and represent, the people of the United Staes of America, NOT, the guilty SOB in the White House.
Impeach the Lying jerk Barr(R), THEN consider impeaching the Russian backed, Pathological LIAR in the White House, as the information, which has been BLOCKED, becomes available, including his taxes and financial background, which is FULL of Russian MONEY.
Yup, those same Russians who have him by the balls, with all their incriminating information.
If I gotta explain, you don’t WANNA understand, something SO OBVIOUS to anyone with a functioning brain. FOXSheep obviously excluded.


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