Dotard spoke with his rabid fans in FL, doing his typical ‘stand up’ routine, and as per usual. LIED his Fat Ass off.

Yup, Dotard whipped out a chart and said Puerto Rico had rec’d $91 BILLION in aid, ‘and they still don’t like me’.
BUT, the truth is PR has had $40 Bil appropriated, but has only rec’d $11 Bil, NOT $91 Billion.
Then the liar unloaded a bunch of LIES about the Mueller report, that he and his pet monkey won’t allow Congress to read, and won’t allow Mueller to testify, or McGahn, who he ordered to ‘FIRE MUELLER.’
Fat Donny’s just OBSTRUCTING, again, as always.
What? The Liar in Chief lying his ass off, AGAIN?
Yup, going on 11,000 lies,  full speed ahead.


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