Joe’s not even the official candidate, it he’s the strongest, SO, Dotard is pushing his pet monkey AG to investigate him , cuz of something they claim his son did, as the Liar in Chief’s kids run roughshod over the Emoluments Clause, that doesn’t let a sitting prez ‘Profit’ from his presidency.

OMG! The Pubs never cease to amaze me with their HYPOCRISY, but this iis outrageous, even for those a-holes(R).....

Trump: Discussing a Biden probe with Barr would be 'appropriate'

Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney, is urging Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, raising questions about whether Donald Trump would pressure his attorney general to do the same.

The efforts appear to be part of a broader campaign by Trump’s allies to damage the former Democratic vice president’s White House campaign and have raised questions about whether Trump’s team is trying to enlist a foreign government to aid the president’s re-election bid. This, after Russia helped to elect President Trump.


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