One thing I, and everyone else seems to have forgotten, is that Robert Mueller is a life-long Repub.

No shit. Think about it...
He provided info, but did ZERO as per indictments, then his report, with the input of Rod Rosenstein(R), was passed on to Dotard’s pet monkey(R), who BURIED it from all Dems, while Lindsay Graham(A), for asshole, got to read it and is planning accordingly.
Yup, we thought Mueller would go against his Pub roots? Why?
And now the Pubs are refusing to eat him testify, under oath, as well as McGahn, who OBVIOUSLY would lend credence to OBSTRUCTION.
Wow, why would the Pubs allow ANYTHING from the report to become public?
Obvious obstruction and Russian collusion (probably) as the Trumpies had over a hundred Russian ‘contacts’, in an election decided by a total of 180K votes in three Rust Belt states, after Hillary got over THREE MILLION more votes.
Sorta the same way we got GW and The Dick, plus the ‘Oops, no WMD’s war’, and the worst recession since the Big D.
And Dotard got Obama’s economy, which he greased with unpaid for Tax Cuts, irresponsible spending and the repeal of rules and refs to protect our air and water.
Wow, could it be any more obvious? Even for the ‘head up their ass sheep’?


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