Just like GW and The Dick(R) bought the farm state support for their ‘Oops no WMD’s’ war, based on lies, with ethanol subsidies, Dotard is buying the farm state vote with BILLIONS in handouts as his foreign policy is wrecking trade all ove the world.

Yup, nothing buys votes like cold, hard cash, and that’s what the Pubs ship out to their sheep in the corn belt, guaranteeing Pub votes in all upcoming elections..
And the rest of us?
We PAY for Repub bullshit with ethanol that takes more energy to produce than we get from it, and higher prices for Dotard’s TARIFFS, that he claims ‘Jina pays for’.
Typical Pub subsidies to the people that HATE Socialism, unless it goes into THEIR pockets. Then it’s GREAT.

Screw Fat Donny and the gullible sheep he rode in on.


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