Dotard’s illegal Tariffs amount to one of the largest ‘tax increases’ in American history.

For the rightwingnuts who don’t get any ‘real’ news, except for a few mavericks on Bullshit Mountain, check out Judge Napolitano’s column today, as he explains the new TAX and also explains how King Donald is violating the Constitution in SO many ways.
Even the average FOXSheep should be able to understand Judge Nap’s summary.


Trump’s tariffs are equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in decades

  • The combined $72 billion from all the president’s tariffs ranks as one of the biggest tax increases since 1993, according to CNBC analysis of data from the Treasury Department.
  • The tariff revenue ranks as the largest increase as a percent of GDP since 1993 when compared with the first year of all the revenue measures enacted since then, according to the data.


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