The FOX headlines proclaim Dotard is boosting NASA’s budget, BUT, they don’t say WHERE the money iis coming from.

And the lying jerks(R) also included this LIE.
It's unclear where the money to pay for the new spending requests will come from.

For that you’d have to read ‘real’ news that the sheep choose to ignore, subsisting instead on the Repub LIES shoveled to them from Bullshit Mountain.

The funds are coming directly from the Pell Program that gives scholarships for higher education to worthy low income students.

And we know the proven fact that the more education a person gets the more likely they are to be a Dem, SO, Fat Donny and his henchmen are nipping that ‘in the bud’.

Don’t believe me, Google it. As in where the money is coming from AND the higher education thing, as in the Top Ten educ/income states are all Blue and the lowest are all Red..

SO, to keep their ignorant base, the Pubs will do anything, including cutting the Pell Grants and shoveling LIES from Bullshit Mountain to the sheep.
Some things never change, esp in the low income/low education Bible Belt Base of the Pub party.


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