We know Dotard LOVES to watch TV, though it’s usually his ‘State TV’ network where they fall over each other, kissing his fat ass, BUT, he also watches SNL and I REALLY hope he was watching last night as the buffoon was lampooned mercilessly, along with his henchmen, McTurtleface and Lindsay ‘Sissy Boy’ Graham.

They, along with Susan Collins(R) were asked if there was ANYTHING the Russian backed, Pathological LIAR could do to lose their support. The short answer, that we already knew, was NO, including getting gay-married to the leader of ISIS, and both of them using the original Constitution as diapers. When asked if they found out he wasn’t REALLY a Christian, McTurtle face laughed out loud and said, ‘AS IF we didn’t know that already’....
Nope, there’s NOTHING he could do. They’d still have their noses deep in his ass, without a doubt, just like the gullible sheep who elected the criminal conman.


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