File it under, ‘Duh, No Shit’

A fiery New York Times piece has claimed President Trump is clawing at the "conventional fabric of this country" and "may well become the first American king, lawless and unaccountable."
The piece, penned by columnist Charles Blow for the outlet's Sunday edition, issued the dire warning to readers amid the administration's ongoing battle with House Democrats in the aftermath of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report.
"We are drifting dangerously close to an imperial presidency that exists above and outside the rules we thought were designed to prevent such an occurrence," Blow wrote.
Blow backed his extreme warning by pointing to the letter from over seven hundred of former federal prosecutors, who said they believed Trump would have been indicted by Mueller for obstruction of justice if he weren't president, with the Justice Dept. refusing to prosecute him.

President Donald Trump is heading toward his 2020 reelection campaign with virtually nothing to show for his big trade promises — except for angry farmers and a jittery stock market. 

A long-sought deal with China appears to be falling apart, exposing businesses on both sides of the Pacific to more tariffs and steep losses for farmers. His new pact with Canada and Mexico is facing significant opposition in Congress even from Republicans, who are demanding that he lift steel and aluminum tariffs before they’ll vote on it. Deals with the European Union, Japan and Great Britain are also stalled by politics here and abroad.


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