Wow, the criminal conman is getting closer to prison, EVERY day, and this was a great day.

The State of New York is gonna provide copies of his state taxes, which no INNOCENT person would mind, AND, Deutsche Bank is gonna release records of his financial dealings (OMG, he’s going to JAIL) with Russia and the Russian Mafia.
Just be patient, the LYING son of a bitch can run, and obstruct, BUT NOT FOREVER.

The Liar in Chief, and his criminal henchmen con only OBSTRUCT so much, and even though he has the Atty Gen on his side, instead of the country’s, the circle is closing in, cuz we still live in a country of LAWS, and not even Fat Donny is Above the Law.


President Donald Trump, three of his children and the Trump Organization on Wednesday lost their bid to block Deutsche Bank AG and Capital One Financial Corp from providing financial records to Democratic lawmakers investigating Trump's businesses.

Read Newsmax: Judge Says Deutsche Bank, Capital One Can Turn Over Trump Financial Records to House Democrats 


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