For all you Dotard fans, here’s a ‘bargain’ for you. Yup, you gotta ‘feel the connection’ between Fat Donny and God.

For only $45, you too can have a gold-plated coin, featuring the Clown’s face on the body of a Bible Belt favorite.
And you wonder how we got Donald F-in’ Trump as prez?

It just goes to show, No one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

For only $45 you can establish a “point of contact” with God via a gold-plated coin engraved with President Trump and King Cyrus’ faces — according to the “Jim Bakker Show” at least.
The coin is being peddled by Lance Wallnau, who claims God told him people need it to pray for Trump, and this coin would help establish the connection.


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