Just remember, as we sink deeper into the quagmire of Dotard’s tariffs and misguided foreign policy, which NO ‘qualified’ economist supports (sure Dotard’s henchmen do), that ‘Trad Wars are GOOD, and EASY to win.

Which brings me to a story from last week. 
My wife was being admitted to the hospital for a major surgery and was being asked a long list of questions, partly to learn if she had a good  place to recover, after she was discharged.
The nurse asked if she felt ‘safe’ at home and she said ‘Yes’. She was then asked, ‘Do you ever have thoughts of hurting yourself, or others’, and again she said ‘Yes’.
The nurse and I looked at each other for a while and Carol finally said, ‘I wanna kill Donald Trump’, which caused some laughter before the nurse said, ‘Don’t we all”.

ALL, meaning those with a functioning brain. 
FOXSheep obviously excluded.....


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