If there’s ONE thing threat Dems and Pubs agree on, it’s infrastructure spending, with nearly 90% of the US public agreeing.

SO, when the Pubs who had total control of Congress AND the presidency for two years, they totally IGNORED it.

Now that the Dems are pushing it, Dotard is using it as a bargaining chip for the Dems to stop ALL investigations into his criminal enterprise.

Just think you think the a-holes(R) can’t POSSIBLY get any worse, they always do.

Trump hits back at Pelosi: 'I don't do cover-ups'

Trump cut short bipartisan talks on infrastructure, demanding that Pelosi end oversight investigations by House Democrats.

The Liar in Chief DID say something true, for a change, though, when he claimed ‘I’m the most transparent president in history’.


He’s a transparent criminal, crook and LIAR.


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