The rightwingnuts love to scream about ‘Socialism’, as they enjoy their Medicare and Social Security.

Now, the same morons who elected the Russian-backed, pussy grabbing, incompetent Pathological LIAR, are lining up to get their ‘government subsidies’ for the crops they can’t sell, cuz the a-hole(R) they elected killed the market, along with a YUUUUGE part of the world economy.
Yup, guess who gets to pay the farmers(R) who voted for the NYC conman, cuz, ‘He’s one of us, with his Christian beliefs’.
Excuse me while I gag.....
President Donald Trump is seeking an additional $15 billion in U.S. subsidies in an effort to protect farmers from the devastating impact of his trade war with China. That’s on top of $12 billion already earmarked for the farmers to help them weather the fallout.
That would be an additional bill for U.S. taxpayers already shouldering the cost of increased tariffs in the form of higher costs for products and parts from China.

And, to prove the dumb son of a bitch ‘just doesn’t get it’, Dotard again claimed:

The president appeared to dismiss the impact of the cost as he falsely claimed — again — that “massive” tariff payments are being paid by China “directly” to the U.S. Treasury,

OMG! This incompetent jerk(R) is in charge of our govt!
Thanks again, gullible sheep.....


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