Remember the Law and Order party.Yup, that’s what the clowns loved to call themselves, UNTIL they don’t like the laws.

Now these jerks(R) claim that LAWS (like the 1928 Law that EVERYONE must provide their tax return, even criminal presidents), don’t apply to them, when the Liar in Chief has YUUUUGE financial dealings with Russia.
Yup, the same Russia that installed the Pathological LIAR into the White House.
Yup, that criminal conman, who laundered Russian Mafia money. WITHOUT A DOUBT, through his NYC property. Cash/ruble deals......
BUT, the criminals(R) don’t want Doatrd’s taxes exposed to the light of day, cuz they don’t want the gullible, ignorant sheep to see what a criminal ‘their boy’ actually is. Not that they’d give a shit.

Dotard’s a Russian shill, under Putin’s thumb.

A shill that the Russian govt made a YUUUGE, successful effort to make the prez of the USA.
How ‘bout it, ignorant sheep?
You wanna argue the FACT that Putin and his pals REALLY wanted the Orange Clown in the White House?

You ever wonder WHY?

Bottom line, screw Dotard and the ignorant sheep he rode in on.

You gotta be some kind of ignorant HYPOCRITE to sleep at night,
NO PROBLEM for the clueless FOXSheep, who sold their souls for a (R) in the White House.
AS IF Fat Donny is a ‘Christian’, that the ignorant sheep wanna believe, as long as their heads stay DEEP in their asses. NO PROBLEMS for the anal breathers.....

Jesus would love Dotard, right?
Just kidding, as I laugh my ass off.


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