‘The Profits of Religion’, by Upton Sinclair, is an eye-opening look at ‘organized religion’.

If you doubt his hypothesis, just look at the ‘Treasures of the Vatican’, the world’s largest BUSINESS, by far, and the Bible Belters, molded by their preachers, to ‘Always vote Republican’, even when it’s a Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing, NYC conman, Pathological LIAR with six bankruptcies and three wives, all of which he cheats on.....
And, whenever of any of you HYPOCRITES wanna debate your ‘Holiness’, just look at Dotard, and shut the fuck up.

An eye-opening condemnation of the economic sins of organized religion

Throughout his adult life Upton Sinclair was an unapologetic idealist and a tireless crusader for the rights of the common man. In this powerful and scrupulously researched critique, he argues that organized religion is a gargantuan moneymaking operation in collusion with industry in their shared quest to strike down dissent while bleeding profits from the millions in their thrall.

Sinclair catalogs how spirituality, “the most fundamental of the soul’s impulses,” is used as a tool for exploitation by unsavory clerical organizations. He specifically details the hypocrisy and self-serving, parasitic nature of ‘Organized Religion’, that preys on the gullible among us.

And BTW, if any of you rightwingnuts wanna debate ‘Holiness’, just look at ‘Your Boy’, and shut the fuck up.


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