Remember when Dotard bitched about Obama playing too much golf?

Well, SO FAR, we tax payers have picked up the tab to the tune of over a HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS for Fat Donny’s golf habit, with a LOT of that going to line his own pockets as his ‘security’ stays at HIS resorts and rents golf carts, eat and sleep at our expense, and his profit.

And next month he’s taking a trip to play golf in Ireland and we’re picking up the seven figure tab.
As always, if Obama had done crap like this the clowns at FOX, and the gullible sheep who swallow their crap would be up in arms. BUT, since it’s the Liar in Chief(R), it’s totally ignored, cuz it’s NO PROBLEM.
Just like he and his henchmen IGNORE legal subpoenas. NO PROBLEM for the Law and Order, ‘follow the Constitution’ crowd, as long as they can keep ‘their boy’ from testifying ‘under oath’ about his MULTIPLE crimes. Including his financial deals with Russia.
Screw the fat jerk(R) and the HYPOCTRITES he rode in on.....


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