It never ceases to amaze me, how the shop can look at Dotard and claim what a great businessman he is/was.

RU shittin’ me. This moron is famous cuz his daddy gave him hundreds of millions, and then both of them ‘cheated their asses off’ on taxes, plus he had an army oof lawyers to guide him through MANY bankruptcies, where he got the $$$ and the others went bankrupt for ‘real’.
The a-hole(R) couldn’t even make it as a casino owner, with no competition.
Can you understand how BAD that is?
The idiot went bankrupt in an industry where the house has a YUUUUGE advantage.
The Clown went bankrupt, with his airline, vodka, steaks, University, (where he would have done prison time, if not being prez), and MANY other times.
And the morons love his ‘business sense’.
He’s nothing but a tax cheater, bully and Pathological LIAR, financed by his criminal father.
OR.... Prime Presidential material if you’re a dumbass FOXSheep.
BUT, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, sorta like ‘real life’ wherei, the morons who get their ‘news’ from FOX don’t have a chance, BUT, they’r welcome on Bullshit Mountain, with their fellow moronic sheep, who tell each other how smart they are.

BTW, the Blue State tax payers, all the top ten, pay for the bottom ten, All Red States.
Hmmm, who’d a thunk education and intelligence would transfer toward making money?

BUT, according to the Blue Staters, they’re like ‘Really Smart’. Just ask ‘em, OR, they’ll just tell you.
Facts? They don’t need no stinkin’ facts.


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