OH, so the Pubs have access to the ‘top secret’ Mueller report that is DENIED to the Dems.

Sen Lindsay Graham, played perfectly on SNL last night, as well as McTurtleface and crew, wants to cherry pick the report to push the Pub agenda that the investigation that Russians were involved in the election (which is perfectly true, though the head up their ass Pubs DON’T GIVE A SHIT), and they want to label the FBI who were ‘doing their job’, as SPIES..

OMG, can these hypocrites(R) possible get any worse?
Without a doubt.
Just stay tuned......

Graham pushing to declassify key 'document' on Steele dossier

There's a document that's classified that I'm gonna try to get unclassified that takes the dossier -- all the pages of it -- and it has verification to one side," Graham told anchor Maria Bartiromo.


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