We just had a discussion here, with a very current theme.

Are there MORE stupid morons these days, OR, do they just get more publicity, as in the FOXSheep?
At first I said, ‘the number of STOOPID people is pretty much constant, with about a third of all people being stupid, just by applying common math.

But then I realized an obvious fact.

The people who SHOULD be repopulating our country are having WAY less children, as in one or none, while the IDIOTS among us are breeding like rabbits.

Yup, the average IQ in the US is DROPPING, well below average, (which ain’t that high), and it was proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, as the morons elected Donald F’ing Trump as prez.

In the words of McTurtleface, spokesman of the morons,,,,,, Case closed......

Oops, did I hear the rightwingnuts saying, ‘But we’re the smart (educated, high income) ones?

Look up the top ten tax paying states, all Blue, and bottom ten tax sucking states, all Red.
Now shut up, and go back to Rush and Sean, you morons.....


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