The LEAST desirable address in NYC?

Yup, Dotard Tower, or Trump Tower, as it says on the from
The people who actually KNOW the criminal conman gave him 15% of the vote, while the Iowa farmer’s, cuz he was ‘one of them’ gave him a YUUUUGE majority, cuz they are SO smart.

Anyway, while NYC property values are soaring, Trump Tower occupants are taking losses, as anyone who’d live there SHOULD.

Trump Tower is now one of the least desirable buildings in Manhattan

The name Trump has driven down the value of the condos within the Tower...Bloomberg reports that if you owned a condo, sales have led to a 20 percent loss after adjusting for inflation.
Just to put that number in perspective, according to PropertyShark, just 0.23 percent of homes in Manhattan over the past two years sold at a loss.
The commercial area of the building is struggling as well...real estate broker data reveals that more than 42,000 square feet of office space remain vacant.


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