SOOOO, Dotard figured out an ‘all-inclusive’ excuse for blowing off Congress, dodging subpoenas and saying ‘F*** You to the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

It’s called Executive Privilege, and he’s using it as his ‘Get Out of (going to) Jail’ card.
Yup, if there’s incriminating evidence you don’t want anyone to see or hear, just claim EP and tell everyone to kiss your fat ass.
Not sure how long it will work, but it’s just one more example of OBSTRUCTION that MOST of us care about.
Obviously not that 1/3, who get their ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain, Fat Donny’s ‘State TV’, where we now have something else in common with North Korea, other than a fat, incompetent  LIAR in charge.
Screw Dotard and the gullible sheep he rode in on.


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