Dotard’s idiotic Tariffs, supported by well under ten % of qualified economists, are meant to bring manufacturing back to the US. That is SO WRONG is SO MANY ways.

First, we can’t begin to compete with the cheap, REALLY cheap labor in China, AND if we eliminate  the Chinese imports, there’s still all the other emerging economies in the world which will take their place, WAY before manufacturing comes back to the US.
Second, we don’t have the work force for manufacturing, as in places like Colorado where so many BETTER jobs can’t be filled, for a lack of workers.
Third, who the hell wants a manufacturing job, where you sit on your ass all day sewing the same part on a pair of sneakers, or place the same thingamajig in the same doohickey all day, just waiting for a machine to take your job?
AND, Fat Donny’s ‘Trade Imbalance’ is what world trade is all about. Those with money buy ‘things’ from those who have cheap labor, and that cheap labor gives those people jobs they are happy to have cuz it raises their standard of living.
The world economy was doing fine, humming along like a well-oiled machine, until the Liar in Chief took over, and wrecked TRILLIONS in world commerce, while trashing world pacts like the TPP that took years to create and were set up to accomplish exactly what he wants with China.
The Russian-backed jerk(R) pissed off our trade partners in Europe, Canada, Mexico and everywhere else in the world, except, Russia and North Korea where his dictator buddies are his heroes.
Bottom line, if I gotta explain you wouldn’t understand and you probably believe the LYING, bullying, Russian backed Pussy Grabber is innocent of obstruction of justice, while he and his henchmen IGNORE legal subpoenas from Congress and his pet monkey AG won’t allow Congress to read Mueller’s report, that ‘would have cleared the president, but DIDN’T, and didn’t charge him cuz the COULDN’T’.
Screw Dotard and the gullible ignorant sheep he rode in on...


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