Wow, it’s good to know that a YUUUUGE majority of people aren’t FOXSheep, swallowing the crap from Bullshit Mountain.

By a large majority, Americans want special counsel Robert Mueller and former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before Congress, according to a Monmouth University poll released Wednesday.
Seventy-three percent of those surveyed said that Mueller should appear before Congress to answer questions about his investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia in the 2016 presidential election.
As for McGahn, 67 percent of those surveyed said he should testify.
Once they do, even the ‘head up their ass crowd’, the FOXSheep, oughta see what 2/3 of America already knows. Dotard is a LYING conman and oughta go to prison, after he’s impeached.
Stay tuned.....


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