Nancy Pelosi clearly ‘touched a nerve’ with Dotard when she accused him of a ‘cover up’, and the Liar in Chief claimed, ‘I’m the most transparent president ever’.

 Yup, a transparent LIAR, conman and puppet of the Russians who got him elected.

Pelosi “hit on something that is core to his con. His whole life is about the cover-up. He has covered up his academic record, his health reports, his dalliances with women, his finances, his family history. Even while he was saying he was the most transparent president in history, his Treasury secretary was across town telling Congress, ‘I’m not giving you the president’s tax returns.’
“One of the biggest motivating factors in Trump’s life — other than food, greed, sex and revenge — is mythmaking. Deep down, he knows he’s a pathological liar and he’s not the person he says he is. But any time anyone pierces that veil, it sends him into a rage.”


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