As Dotard and his idiotic Foreign policies KILL the world economy and the ignorant farmers who helped put him in office, his henchmen have a plan...

Yup, they’re gonna tax us ALL, to pay off the gullible rubes who voted for the NYC conman, cuz ‘he’s one of us’. OMG, excuse me while I gag.....
Yup, they’re lining up for MORE handouts as Dotard’s tariffs, which EVERY qualified economist says are STUPID, wreck their bottom line.

SOOOO, who else gets a check as the incompetent a-hole(R) wrecks world trade?

The rest of us just get stuck the the higher prices that his ‘Tariffs’ cost us, NOT the Jinese, as the ignorant Orange Clown seems to think.

At least he’s not deep in the process of starting a ‘shooting war’ with Jina, like he is with Iran, to prop up the price of oil, for his buddies in the Kremlin, YET......


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