Dotard is not only good at losing his OWN money (or actually his Daddy’s and investor’s) but now the lossesfrom his ‘gut instincts’ have cost investors around the world over a TRILLION dollars in ONE day.

Yup, the incompetent asshole(R), that the entire ‘thinking’ world already hated hasn’t made any new friends today.
Except Putin that is, laughing his ass off, celebrating the greatest coup in Russian history, as Fat Donny(R) wrecks markets and drives up oil prices, driving us toward war with Iran, based on LIES. Just like GW(R) and The Dick(R) did with WMD’s in Iraq, after the Saudi’s attacked us on 9-11.

SURPRISE! Oil went WAY up, for the Saudi’s and GW and the Dick’s people.
Now Russian oil prices are ‘lookin’ good’, with a war in Iran ‘on the horizon’.

Somebody tell the stupid SOB he can’t just ‘declare bankruptcy’ like he always does when the shit hits the fan, this time.

Screw him and the gullible sheep(R) he rode in on.


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