One of the FEW things Dems and Pubs can agree on is INFRASTRUCTURE needs to get done, as the highways and bridges we all use fall into further disrepair.

The Pubs controlled EVERYTHING in Washington for two years and did NOTHING to fix the myriad problems.
Now the Dems wanna get started and Fat Donny ‘walks out’ of the meeting saying NOTHING gets done until the Dems drop ALL of the investigations against the guilty son of a bitch.
Just more proof of the total incompetence of the Russian-backed, pussy grabbing, Pathological LIAR, who thinks he can bully his way into or out of EVERYTHING, like he did as a NYC conman, dodging taxes, borrowing from Russia and going BANKRUPT whenever he got in trouble.

Screw him and the ignorant, gullible sheep he rode in on.


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