Can anyone, even the moronic FOXSheep, argue the fact(S) that Dotard got his start from a tax cheating dad, and the spoiled brat used his ill-gotten gains

to LIE, cheat and steal his way to the top of NYC conmen, using his Army of Lawyers, bullying those who couldn’t afford to fight his MANY bankruptcies, while cheating on ALL his wives, hiding his taxes, Russian financing and crooked henchmen, with his chief lawyer and campaign chairman in JAIL, (the kind of stuff, half of which would have gotten Obama rightfully IMPEACHED) while using the gullible sheep, FOXFans and the ULTRA gullible church people, ‘He’s one of us’ (OMG!) to LIE his way to the top, with the help of his HIGHLY INTELLIGENT Bible Belt Base to negate the votes of those who actually BELIEVE in science and higher education, proving climate change, evolution and the earth ISN’T 6000 years old.

Again, if I gotta explain what a LYING (I’m like REALLY smart, a stable genius), Russian-backed sleazeball he is, you wouldn’t understand. Sorta like SCIENCE......


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