Whoa, Dotard went off the rails today with a BUNCH of batshit Tweets after it came out that Deutche Bank was being investigated for ‘money laudering’ and that’s where he got one of his YUUUUGE loans, approx $2.5 BILLION,

This was in addition to the $$$ he was getting from Russian banks, according to his boys, after US funding ‘fried up’. Maybe it was all the bankruptcies, where he’d suck out the cash and leave everyone else holding the bag?
Anyway, the NYT has sources that he was under investigation, along with Deutche Bank, for Russian money laundering, BUT, Dotard claims he didn’t need loans, ‘cuz I paid cash’.
Do even the most gullible sheep swallow this crap?
Probably. Cuz they’ll believe ANYTHING, from FOX and and/or Fat Donny.

There’s a reason, actually MANY reasons that Dotard won’t show his taxes or financials AND he’s threatened the banks, like he did ALL his schools, with YUUUGE lawsuits if they release any of his records or grades or financial info.
Hmmm, ever wonder WHY?
Maybe he’s not NREALY as rich, or smart as he pretends. Or even close.
Not that the sheep would give a shit about that OR his Russian connections, which are deep, multiple  and long term.


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