The gullible rightwingnuts love to say, ‘Trump is just standing up to China for us.’Bullshit!

Like David ‘The Brain’ Faber said on CNBC, the Financial Network.
If you wanna deal with China, you stay with the TPP, (Trans Pacific Pact) which had been formed with the US, and MANY other nations, to deal with China and their abuses.
(Dotard pulled us out, like he did with the Paris Accord, the Iran Deal, NAFTA, European pacts and nearly ALL the alliances built up over the years, while REALLY pissing off the rest of the world, except for his buddies in Russia.)
Fabre said we could have had all the other nations work WITH us, instead of pissing all of them off, like ‘we’ did with Mexico, Canada and the European Union.
‘Now we’re going it alone’, said Faber, as he showed how pissed off HE was with Dotard.

Basically everyone, except for the brainwashed FOXSheep, can see what he’s done to us.
Who knows IF they ever will.
Hard to think, with your head DEEP in your ass.....


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