Looks like I’m not the only one noticing....

Dotard would love nothing more than being a War President, and nothing would work better to get the headlines away from his taxes, subpoena dodging and obstruction charges as he goads Iran into making a mistake so he can unleash the military on another ill-conceived war in the MidEast.
It’s called Republican diplomacy, and the arms mfgrs LOVE it, not to mention Putin, Fat Donny’s handler, whose oil would at least DOUBLE in value.

LONDON – The United States is playing a "very dangerous game" as it attempts to "drag Iran into an unnecessary war," a senior Iranian official said Tuesday. 

Baeidinejadsaid said from the Iranian perspective it appeared that some of President Donald Trump's closest advisers such as National Security Adviser John Bolton were actively "trying to convince" Trump to start a military confrontation that neither country wants and would be "devastating" for both Iran, the U.S. and the region.

Yup, the same architects of the fiasco in Iraq are at it again, after Dotard withdrew from the treaty that took years to craft by the nations of the world, and that Iran was honoring.


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