Wow, when even the clowns at Bullshit Mountain start turning on the Liar in Chief, Fat Donny has to know he’s in trouble.

Starting with Chris Wallace, Judge Nap and several of the ‘Opinion’ writers, the clowns at FOX are GRADUALLY starting to recognize reality and see that Dotard is a LIAR who can’t be trusted.
If he’s so ‘transparent’ and innocent why is he fighting EVERY effort to get to the truth?
(See Jon Summers piece on FOX today, as he claims Trump is a guilty LIAR.)
He’s ignoring subpoenas, suing everyone and using his Army of Lawyers to obstruct everyone who’s trying to find out the FACTS of the Mueller report which his pet monkey is doing his best to BURY.

Yup, even the clowns at FOX can only keep their heads up their asses for so long, before they realize the inevitability that the LYING conman is ‘going down’ sooner (hopefully) or later.


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