Because we’ve traveled a lot, we really like ‘International House Hunters’, where travelers buy or rent homes in foreign countries.

It’s interesting to see prices, around the world.

BUT, it kinda pisses me off, as we see rental that we couldn’t afford, paid for by the US military, for ‘soldiers’ posted all over the world, (90 countries) that the military ‘occupies’ for some dumb, expensive reason.
Yup, the most bloated military in the world, BY FAR, pays, (with our tax dollars), for housing that the average person couldn’t afford.
Same old shit, from the Repub War Machine, that spend $$$$ like a drunken sailor, with Zero accountability.
There have been MANY attempts to see the accounts of ‘the military’, and no one has a clue how the BILLIONS are spent, but the ‘rent’, for high end living by those ‘protecting’ (HA) our country takes a LOT.

Again, same old shit from the Pub War Machine that wallows BILLIONS with no one watching the purse.
Nothing new here, but it SUCKS, as the US is the only country that can’t afford health care for it’s citizens.
Screw Dotard and the gullible sheep he rode in on, who allow this kind of crap.


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