The Liar in Chief accidentally to the truth, that ‘Russia helped get me elected’, then when he realized what had escaped from his vile mouth, immediately went back to the LIES that he has catapulted, with the help of his State TV on Bullshit Mountain, to the gullible sheep who swallow his crap.

‘’No, Russia did not get me elected,” Trump said. “You know who got me elected? You know who got me elected? I got me elected.”
“Russia didn’t help me at all,” he continued. "Russia, if anything, I think, helped the other side.”
The president’s comments came a day after special counsel Robert Mueller issued his first public statement on his investigation into the Russian election interference. Saying that the only reason they didn’t indict him for obstruction is that they COULDN’T, under rules set up by the Republican controlled Justice Department.

The special counsel’s report concluded that the Russian government interfered in the election “in sweeping and systematic fashion,” and his office indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes, and he chronicled at least 10 episodes of efforts by Trump or his staff to obstruct the federal probe. 


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