Of all the Americans being hurt by Dotard’s tariffs, including anyone who uses steel or aluminum, he’s singling out the farmers, who elected the incompetent idiot, to line up for govt handouts, as their ilk despises ‘socialism’.

Yup, the farmer’s are ‘special’ cuz the gullible sheep of farm country are one of the main reasons we have the Russian-backed pussy grabbing, NYC conman, Pathological LIAR in the White House.

The problem is, there’s not enough money in the US Treasury to compensate for the harm this clown has done, and will do to the American people, as he leads by ‘gut feelings’ and his cadre of totally incompetent henchmen.

The Trump administration could make as much as $20 billion available to farmers in a second round of assistance designed to help offset losses from China's latest retaliatory tariffs, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said late Wednesday.

As they line up for the handouts from the clown who caused their losses, the recipients want MORE, after ‘their boy’ wrecked their markets.

The first batch of trade aid was met with complaints, primarily from corn and wheat growers, that the formulas used to calculate direct assistance didn't adequately reflect their losses. The National Corn Growers Association on Wednesday said the penny-per-bushel payment rate for corn farmers under the previous program “didn’t cut it then and won’t cut it now.”


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