Surprise! Dotard LIED again, saying China has paid $Ten Billion in tariffs.

WRONG, US consumers have paid his dumbass tariffs, and will pay MUCH more if his new tariffs take effect.
98+% of economists agree ‘Tariffs are WRONG’, but Fat Donny and his ignorant economic advisors, after the qualified ones QUIT, like Gary Cohen, who called him a ‘Fuc*ing Idiot, the same words used by Rex Tillerson, another of the FEW qualified Cabinet members he had.
Yup, F’ing Idiot, which MOST of us call him, but NOT the sheep who get their ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain, his ‘State TV’, just like Kim Jong Un has, BUT, the North Koreans don’t have a choice, like the propaganda swallowing sheep do.
Who can explain it?
Obvious, to any without an inner-rectal view of the ‘news’, spun by the clowns at FOX.
BUT, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, while Rush and Sean ‘shovel the shit to the sheep’, and they gladly swallow.
What? They might be BIASED, and lie their asses off, just like Fat Donny?


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