I keep thinking, ‘I can’t be shocked anymore, by what the a-holes(R) do’, BUT,

They’ve put out the ‘EDITED’ video of Nancy Pelosi, that makes her look drunk/stoned/incapacitated, and the ignorant, gullible sheep swallow it, as REAL.
Yup, Dotard and his pack of guilty henchmen are running scared, and nothing is ‘off limits’ for this crew of swamp creatures, as Fat Donny ‘ReTweeted’ it to the gullible crew that swallows crap like this.
The sheep will believe ANYTHING that proves ‘Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, and this latest concoction of Pub bullshit fits right in their ‘wheelhouse’.
Total LIES and fabrication, and swallowed by the ignorant sheep.
Just when I think, ‘They can’t possible get WORSE’......They(R) always do.

And to prove it, there’s ONE a-hole(R), who’s stopping Billions in Disaster Aid to those in need, cuz Dotard didn’t get his wall money.
Screw you Dotard, and the morons(R) you rode in on...

1 GOP Rep Is Keeping Billions In Disaster Relief From Americans Who Need It

Rep. Chip Roy of Texas stalled a bill that would give billions to areas recovering from hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes and wildfires.


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